Thursday, January 2, 2014


Here I sit with a brand new notebook, the first pages filled with lists and goals for the new year.  And here I sit for the second day doing nothing.  Yesterday was the beginning of my new detox.  It didn't sound too crazy on the 31st but it's proving to be very hard.  No sugar, no dairy, limited caffeine whole food, strict paleo for 30 days.  I'm not doing this to loose weight, but feel better.  My sugar cravings are out of control, and I'm curious to see if going dairy-free will help my eczema.  I went into it with the realization that I'm nursing a baby, and a toddler.  I may have to adjust to meet increased dietary needs for their sake.   Yesterday I was sluggish and wanted my cream and sugar in my coffee.  By the end of the day I had a migraine and felt nauseous.   Today I woke up shaking and with an upset stomach.  That candida bacteria fights back! I'll be honest, I did consume a little sugar with breakfast.  It just so happens it's really hard to find breakfast meats that don't have some form of sugar in them.  It's 4:30, and I finally felt up to making 'bullet proof coffee'.  It would be way better with sugar, but I'm sticking with it for the rest of the day at least. 
 Here's to hopefully taking the time to blog more. 

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