While I haven't found the perfect pretty chest to store these in, here is a quick run down of just what I keep in our washroom. This list won't include things like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, garlic, various berries etc that live in our kitchen cupboards.
Here is the run down of what and why.
Manuka Honey - it's antibacterial properties are great for injuries, and it can be taken for viral infections as well. Dr. Bob Sears just had a great write up on Facebook about why he uses it in his office to combat MRSA and other nasty infections.
Buckwheat Honey - an alternative to main stream cough syrups, this is our go-to for colds and coughs. It's also anti-inflammatory.
Diatomaceous Earth - we use this as a detox when the boys eat something yucky. It is also on hand for tooth powder, and to be sprinkled as an ant repellant.
Bentonite Clay - another cleanser and tooth powder ingredient. This one we use both externally and internally. We put it in their bath, and on their teeth as part of their tooth health routine. It also can be used to absorb yuckiness if they eat something that doesn't agree with them or poisonous. In addition it helps balance the body's PH levels.
*Activated Charcoal - our last in the line of stomach cleansers, this also is used for brightening our smiles.
Shepherds Purse - used for internal bleeding as a tea, or external injuries as a poultice.
Slippery Elm Bark - used as a tea for sore throats, coughs, intestinal complaints of both varieties, externally for burns. ***do not take if pregnant, can cause abortions***
Magnesium Oil - for balancing the body's magnesium level. Helps relieve cramping quickly, and I need to use it several times a day during my last trimester of pregnancy to help relieve prodromal labor. Magnesium is best absorbed through the skin, rather than taken internally. We spray a little on the bottom of the feet before bed. I make our own using magnesium flakes or Epsom salt.
Epsom Salts - A base for my magnesium oil, I also add this to my water daily when pregnant. Other than that we mostly add it to baths to relieve intestinal complaints, sore muscles, and to help the boys relax during baths.
Iodine - another detox solution, it also helps balance the body's PH levels and is in our tooth decay prevention regiment.
Astragulus - immune booster/cold fighter
Xylitol - cavity prevention. The molecular structure of this birch-based sweetener makes the mouth inhospitable to the bacteria that cause cavities.
Arnica - pain relief. We use both internally and externally.
Licorice Root - The boys are free to chew pieces of this whenever they want. I use it as part of a healthy syrup to top off Saturday morning pancakes. There are lots of healing attributes for this root but the ones we use it for mainly are as part of our tooth decay prevention routine, for colds and flu, heartburn, and other stomach complaints.
Juniper Berries - mainly for congestion, but also for injuries and inflammation.
*Elderberries - another immune booster for colds and flu season including bacterial and viral infections.
Aloe - for burns, hair tangles, and as hair gel.
Pau D'Arco - an expectorant that can also be used for candida
problems. It is also an antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-parasite
Goldenseal Root - used in teas for colds and
flu, as a wound antiseptic and on newborn's cord stumps. It can also
be used for upset stomach, intestinal complaints, and whooping cough.
Clove Oil - not an essential oil, but used in tooth paste and painful teething or tooth complaints.
The next three are the store bought items we have. Rather than talk about what I use them for I've put their links in.
Badger Baby Balm - http://www.badgerbalm.com/p-398-baby-balm-organic-baby-skin-care.aspx
Cape Cod Bug Repellant Lotion -http://www.capecodallnatural.com/products.html
Hyland's Teething Pellets -http://www.hylands.com/products/hylands-baby-teething-tablets
The rest are essential oils. I don't support any specific brand, nor am I an oil expert. These are what we have collected so far, and our particular uses for them. There are plenty of 'experts' when it comes to oils. For specifics, please ask them not me. I am much more comfortable and versed in the use of herbs.
Calm Time Spray - My own blend of essential oils that we use during extended tantrums and before bed when needed.
Tea Tree Oil - one of our go-tos. We use this for viral and bacterial infections.
Cinnamon Bark - Mainly used in our toothpaste.
Citronella - Mainly used in our bug spray.
Lemon - Used in our bug spray and in deodorants.
Citronella - Used in our bug spray and in deodorants.
Lavender - Used for bug bites, in baths, for headaches, and in boiling water to keep the house calm.
Eucalyptus - Used in bug spray and in deodorants.
Rosemary - Used in bug spray and in deodorants.
Thyme - Used in deodorants and topically on cysts.
Peppermint - Used in toothpaste, bug spray, and as a room cleanser.
Basil - Used topically on cysts.
Sandalwood - Used in deodorant.
* items are not shown in the photo.
I highly recommend that before you use any herb or essential oil that you do your own research as I am not any type of trained professional and am sharing what I use these items for, and am not prescribing or diagnosing anything.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
A messy garden.
I've posted photos of my gardens on Facebook, and I'm sure some people have thought something along the lines of 'why is she spending time on Facebook when her garden needs weeding?' Here's the thing about my gardens.
It's intentional. Most of it anyway. The crab grass not so much...but everything else? I totally let grow. I let the purslane, the plantain, the chickweed and others grow. It's great. Then you know what I do? I harvest it and eat it! Yup. Those nasty weeds that make my garden look messy are for our benefit.
Here are links to just some of what is growing around our property for us to harvest.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Feeding a Family of Four - Gardening Part 3, companion planting and perennial vegetables.
Let's talk saving space and time. Well, technically saving space will save you time weeding, so let's talk about saving time. Companion planting saves room in the garden. Instead of planting a tomato vine every 3 feet, and having to weed in between you can put other vegetables that compliment the plant in the open space and have less area you need to weed. There are many different plants that can be planted near each other, so this is just my short list of how I'm changing my garden plot for 2015 to maximize space.
Pepper plants between tomatoes. If our basil needs thinning, I will transplant some of it in the free space between peppers and tomatoes.
Peas on a trellis with spinach underneath.
Cucumbers on a trellis with lettuce underneath.
Summer squash on a trellis with Radish underneath. If the dill needs thinning those will be transplanted between radish rows.
Arugula planted between rows of beets.
Chard between broccoli plants.
Collards between Cauliflower plants.
Brussels Sprouts will be planted in the peas place after they have been harvested.
We have a hillside that needs to be planted to keep us from having to manage. I'm planning on putting our perennial garden here. In it will be Kale, Asparagus, Horseradish, Walking Onions, Sun Chokes, Day Lillies, Rhubarb, and eventually lots of berries and larger herbs for healing.
Pepper plants between tomatoes. If our basil needs thinning, I will transplant some of it in the free space between peppers and tomatoes.
Peas on a trellis with spinach underneath.
Cucumbers on a trellis with lettuce underneath.
Summer squash on a trellis with Radish underneath. If the dill needs thinning those will be transplanted between radish rows.
Arugula planted between rows of beets.
Chard between broccoli plants.
Collards between Cauliflower plants.
Brussels Sprouts will be planted in the peas place after they have been harvested.
We have a hillside that needs to be planted to keep us from having to manage. I'm planning on putting our perennial garden here. In it will be Kale, Asparagus, Horseradish, Walking Onions, Sun Chokes, Day Lillies, Rhubarb, and eventually lots of berries and larger herbs for healing.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Feeding a family of 4, part two: Rotational Planting in the Garden.
That last list was huge, and fairly overwhelming. It would also take up a huge piece of yard, and be hard to put away everything at the same time.
Thanks to rotational gardening you don't have to! There is a lot of information out on rotational gardening, and I found most of it completely overwhelming. It's taken me quite awhile to wrap my head around how to successfully rotate my garden due to the fact that most information online is zone specific without actually telling you what zone they're gardening in.
Here are the notes I've gathered to accompany my list of what and how much I aim to grow in our gardens. We are in zone 5B, but this list should be flexible enough to fit to your own planting schedules.
*Note, I've added bok choy and cauliflower to my master list, but have not amended the previous blog post.
Arugula: 2 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring and Mid Summer.
Beets: 2 plantings, 40 plants each. Mid Spring and Late Summer.
Bok Choy: 2 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring and Mid Summer.
Broccoli: 3 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring, Mid Summer, Late Summer.
Cabbage: 3 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring, Mid Summer, Late Summer.
Cauliflower: 2 plantings, 15 plants each. Mid Spring and Late Summer.
Carrots: 2 plantings, 75 plants each. Mid Spring and Late Summer.
Lettuce: 2 plantings, 25 plants each. Early Spring and Late Summer.
Radish: 3 plantings, 20 plants each. Early Spring, Mid Summer, Late Summer.
Spinach: 2 plantings, 50 plants each. Early Spring, and Late Summer.
Turnips: 2 plantings, 20 plants each. Early Spring, and Late Summer.
Potatoes: 2 plantings, 25 plants each. Late Spring, and Early Summer.
While the gardens will still be large, by doubling and tripling up when I plant it will cut down on the overall space, and stretch out the amount of time I have to plant in.
Up next: Companion planting and perennial vegetables to save space and time.
Thanks to rotational gardening you don't have to! There is a lot of information out on rotational gardening, and I found most of it completely overwhelming. It's taken me quite awhile to wrap my head around how to successfully rotate my garden due to the fact that most information online is zone specific without actually telling you what zone they're gardening in.
Here are the notes I've gathered to accompany my list of what and how much I aim to grow in our gardens. We are in zone 5B, but this list should be flexible enough to fit to your own planting schedules.
*Note, I've added bok choy and cauliflower to my master list, but have not amended the previous blog post.
Arugula: 2 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring and Mid Summer.
Beets: 2 plantings, 40 plants each. Mid Spring and Late Summer.
Bok Choy: 2 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring and Mid Summer.
Broccoli: 3 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring, Mid Summer, Late Summer.
Cabbage: 3 plantings, 10 plants each. Early Spring, Mid Summer, Late Summer.
Cauliflower: 2 plantings, 15 plants each. Mid Spring and Late Summer.
Carrots: 2 plantings, 75 plants each. Mid Spring and Late Summer.
Lettuce: 2 plantings, 25 plants each. Early Spring and Late Summer.
Radish: 3 plantings, 20 plants each. Early Spring, Mid Summer, Late Summer.
Spinach: 2 plantings, 50 plants each. Early Spring, and Late Summer.
Turnips: 2 plantings, 20 plants each. Early Spring, and Late Summer.
Potatoes: 2 plantings, 25 plants each. Late Spring, and Early Summer.
While the gardens will still be large, by doubling and tripling up when I plant it will cut down on the overall space, and stretch out the amount of time I have to plant in.
Up next: Companion planting and perennial vegetables to save space and time.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Feeding a family of 4, part one: Gardening.
This is the first part of a who knows how long series on the numbers it would take to mostly feed a family of four off a homestead. Today's post really is just a list I have compiled after paying attention to what and how much our family eats. This list is specific to my family, in that we very rarely eat grains. Due to this limitation our vegetable intake is much higher than a family on the Standard American Diet. It also includes enough to preserve or store for cold weather consumption.
Artichoke 15 plants
Arugula 20 plants
Asparagus 100 roots
Beets 80 plants
Broccoli 20 plants
Brussels Sprouts 20 plants
Cabbage 32 plants
Carrots 150 plants
Collards 12 plants
Cucumbers 100 plants
Garlic 64 plants
Horseradish 4 plants
Kale 50 plants
Lettuce 50 plants
Onions 100 plants
Parsnips 40 plants
Peas 240 plants
Peppers 24 plants
Potatoes 50 plants
Radish 60 plants
Rhubarb 20 plants
Spinach 100 plants
Summer Squash 10 plants
Winter Squash 5 plants
Sweet Potato 40 plants
Swiss Chard 20 plants
Cherry Tomato 25 plants
Cooking Tomato 35 plants
Slicing Tomato 20 plants
Turnips 40 plants
My garden needs to get much larger to accommodate all of this. However it is a long term goal, and something I work towards every year.
Artichoke 15 plants
Arugula 20 plants
Asparagus 100 roots
Beets 80 plants
Broccoli 20 plants
Brussels Sprouts 20 plants
Cabbage 32 plants
Carrots 150 plants
Collards 12 plants
Cucumbers 100 plants
Garlic 64 plants
Horseradish 4 plants
Kale 50 plants
Lettuce 50 plants
Onions 100 plants
Parsnips 40 plants
Peas 240 plants
Peppers 24 plants
Potatoes 50 plants
Radish 60 plants
Rhubarb 20 plants
Spinach 100 plants
Summer Squash 10 plants
Winter Squash 5 plants
Sweet Potato 40 plants
Swiss Chard 20 plants
Cherry Tomato 25 plants
Cooking Tomato 35 plants
Slicing Tomato 20 plants
Turnips 40 plants
My garden needs to get much larger to accommodate all of this. However it is a long term goal, and something I work towards every year.
Monday, June 9, 2014
I am a stay at home mom.
There, I wrote it. To me it feels like I am JUST a stay at home mom. Like that isn't enough. Wrangling one kid, or two, or ten. It's enough. Man is it enough. It's hard mostly thankless work. Yet, there is this voice that burrows it's way into my thoughts. It says 'you're not doing enough'. Work harder, do more, sleep less.
So I try. Man do I try to do it all. I cook 3+ meals a day. 95% of the time they're completely from scratch. I do projects with the boys (which reminds me, I need to decide on Father's day gifts to make with them). I garden. I preserve. I raise chickens. I make our own self-care products. I sew. I knit. I clean this big old house. With help, I moderate an online facebook community dedicated to Elimination Communication. I volunteer with the PAC of our local play group. I try to find time to ride my horses. I read as much as I can. I have a life outside of family...kinda.
I think I've been asked once in 3 years about what I do. It was a couples question, directed at both my husband and I. My answer was one sentence "I just stay home with the boys". My husband was able to hold a 30 minute conversation about what he does.
There I was, out for the evening with the hubby and boys. Still just taking care of them, while Peter was engrossed in conversation about all the nifty things he does.
I want to be okay with taking care of my kids, because it's awesome. I'm so blessed to be able to stay home and raise these boys. I'm not going to ask people 'what do you do' anymore when I'm making small talk. From now on I'm going to ask 'what are your interests?'. Let's see where that takes us. So...
So I try. Man do I try to do it all. I cook 3+ meals a day. 95% of the time they're completely from scratch. I do projects with the boys (which reminds me, I need to decide on Father's day gifts to make with them). I garden. I preserve. I raise chickens. I make our own self-care products. I sew. I knit. I clean this big old house. With help, I moderate an online facebook community dedicated to Elimination Communication. I volunteer with the PAC of our local play group. I try to find time to ride my horses. I read as much as I can. I have a life outside of family...kinda.
I think I've been asked once in 3 years about what I do. It was a couples question, directed at both my husband and I. My answer was one sentence "I just stay home with the boys". My husband was able to hold a 30 minute conversation about what he does.
There I was, out for the evening with the hubby and boys. Still just taking care of them, while Peter was engrossed in conversation about all the nifty things he does.
I want to be okay with taking care of my kids, because it's awesome. I'm so blessed to be able to stay home and raise these boys. I'm not going to ask people 'what do you do' anymore when I'm making small talk. From now on I'm going to ask 'what are your interests?'. Let's see where that takes us. So...
What are your interests?
Monday, May 5, 2014
Long term homesteading goals
Homesteading, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, or just plain old money saving. Whatever you call it, I feel like most people I know have some sort of goals for this topic. I have a long list that covers many aspects. Here it is, written out more for my benefit than yours.
- Put in long-term field fencing. Use the temporary fencing to section off the field into 8 paddocks. Use permanent posts for a a dry lot, and training lot. I'd like to put in 6 foot half rounds along the road and for the aforementioned lots. I'd be happy to use metal t-posts for along the creek and river. I'm not sure if I want to stick with electric fencing or use wooden rails with woven wire.
- Trench the field for optimal drainage, put a water tank below where the spring drains into the field to catch said water, and achieve maximum benefit.
- Improve gardening skills to the point where everything I put in the ground has an edible product.
- Relocate ground hog or fence in all gardens so we benefit from them, and not the ground hog.
- Add pear and plum trees to the orchard.
- Add raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry plants to the hillside.
- Put away enough fruits and vegetables during the growing season to last through the winter and into the next growing season.
- Frame in a green house over the upper garden.
- Set up feed sprouting trays for livestock.
- Add an additional 24 laying hens to the chicken count.
- Raise enough meat chickens to feed the family for one year. (100?)
- Build chicken tractors to graze meat chickens in the field.
- Add turkeys, geese, and ducks to the farm. One male and one female to potentially bring up new young. The rest would be butchered each Fall.
- Raise 3 pigs yearly. Two to feed the family, and one to sell to cover butcher costs.
- Sheep. An heritage breed that we can use for milk, wool, and potentially meat. If there is a breed I can find that isn't represented in our area perhaps a male as well so we can sell babies in the spring.
- Replace the old barn roof with metal.
- Get solar panels to go on the barn roof, sell extra to utility company.
- Sell extra eggs and any other extras.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The year of the fence, part 2.
The field is now completely enclosed with temporary fencing. Yay for free grazing. I took a break from all the fencing projects to clear out the deep bedding in the stalls and chicken coop. Last week I started on the new chicken fence. I managed to get get 6 posts in the ground, along with turning and planting the 8x8 raised bed with root vegetables. I still have about 25 posts to put in for the chicken run, and then get the new wire up. Everything I've accomplished either has to be done with my two little helpers or during nap time. It sure has revised my view of what a 'big accomplishment' is for one day.
I was hoping to purchase a rototiller this year, but decided that our little expendable cash could be better budgeted to other expenses. For now I'm turning everything by hand. Between digging up the garden and digging fence posts my dislike for our rocky soil has grown immensely. This happens every Spring, but luckily for me I have a little boy who loves the job of removing rocks from the garden. In 5 years time I will have rock free garden spaces I'm sure!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
2014, the Year of the Fence
For us, this year is the year of the fence. I started working on enclosing the remainder of our field in a warm spell in January. A snow storm moved in while I was working on it, so we left it partially completed and got dumped on. It's now 3 months later and the snow is finally gone, and ground finally thawed. I'll be finishing enclosing the field tomorrow.
After the field is completely enclosed I need to put fence openings in the right areas, and come up with a solution so the horses can drink from the river. After those tasks are accomplished I'll be stepping back from pasture fencing for awhile.
Next up is upgrading the chicken enclosure. I have very naughty chickens who like to pick through the gravel on the side of the road. This annoys my neighbors who in turn call animal control to complain, so we try to keep them penned up. Last year's attempt was a big flop. I'm hoping to use 2x2 posts that we already have on the farm to keep the budget low, then staple chicken wire up, top with thin boards and run hot wire along the top. I'll also be clipping their wings this year, as the Aracunas like to fly out.
After the chicken run is finished I need to tackle fencing in the backyard. Before I know it I'm going to have to running boys to chase, so a fence to keep them away from the road is necessary. I plan on putting one fence, with a large gate between the stone foundation from the summer kitchen, and the stone fence that borders the pasture field. Another fence will be placed between the corner of the house and the corner of the barn. Before that can go in I need to level off the ground. There is a 2.5 foot drop from yard to where the garden is, and that just isn't safe or pretty. After that I need to work on fencing in along the rock wall and the pasture, but I haven't come up with a solution for that. At least with the two boundary fences in they won't be able to run towards the road.
Lastly, we need some sort of privacy fence put up along the foundation for the summer kitchen. I have a vision of a backyard patio where our family can hang out, cook, and relax. However, those aforementioned neighbors? They drive back and forth staring onto our property, instead of watching the road. It makes me uncomfortable to be observed so often, so I'm dreaming of something to put up to block their view of us when we're having family hang out time.
After the field is completely enclosed I need to put fence openings in the right areas, and come up with a solution so the horses can drink from the river. After those tasks are accomplished I'll be stepping back from pasture fencing for awhile.
Next up is upgrading the chicken enclosure. I have very naughty chickens who like to pick through the gravel on the side of the road. This annoys my neighbors who in turn call animal control to complain, so we try to keep them penned up. Last year's attempt was a big flop. I'm hoping to use 2x2 posts that we already have on the farm to keep the budget low, then staple chicken wire up, top with thin boards and run hot wire along the top. I'll also be clipping their wings this year, as the Aracunas like to fly out.
After the chicken run is finished I need to tackle fencing in the backyard. Before I know it I'm going to have to running boys to chase, so a fence to keep them away from the road is necessary. I plan on putting one fence, with a large gate between the stone foundation from the summer kitchen, and the stone fence that borders the pasture field. Another fence will be placed between the corner of the house and the corner of the barn. Before that can go in I need to level off the ground. There is a 2.5 foot drop from yard to where the garden is, and that just isn't safe or pretty. After that I need to work on fencing in along the rock wall and the pasture, but I haven't come up with a solution for that. At least with the two boundary fences in they won't be able to run towards the road.
Lastly, we need some sort of privacy fence put up along the foundation for the summer kitchen. I have a vision of a backyard patio where our family can hang out, cook, and relax. However, those aforementioned neighbors? They drive back and forth staring onto our property, instead of watching the road. It makes me uncomfortable to be observed so often, so I'm dreaming of something to put up to block their view of us when we're having family hang out time.
Monday, March 31, 2014
tooth powder recipe
You'll have to forgive me for the lack of photographic evidence in this post. I'll try to add photos in after the next batch we make.
Homemade Re-mineralizing Tooth Powder
1 TBS Bentonite Clay
1 TBS Calcium Magnesium Citrate Powder
1 TBS Baking Soda
1/2 TBS Sea Salt*
1/2 TBS Xylitol *
These last two ingredients need to be run through some sort of coffee grinder, or food processor to turn them from large granules into a powder.
You'll notice that the measurements are large, and I don't use teaspoons. This is because it allows my son, who is nearing is third birthday, to make it himself.
I have used different things to flavor the powder, but he hasn't liked any of it. He much prefers the citrus taste combined with the sweetness of the xylitol. In the past we've tried ground peppermint leaves, cloves, and cinnamon.
The bentonite clay is used to pull impurities from the mouth, such as toxins or heavy metals.
Cal-Mag powder is awesome in itself. Calcium is obviously something we need to help remineralize teeth. Everyone knows that we need calcium for healthy teeth and bones. However, lots of people don't know that adequate amounts of vitamin c are needed to help the body absorb the calcium properly. Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is lacking in most modern day diets. So yay, lets throw some of that in too!
Baking Soda works as a light abrasive, and aids in balancing your PH levels and fighting the bacteria that cause cavities.
Sea Salt also works in fighting those cavities causing bacteria
Xylitol again is to work against the bacteria. In this case, it makes the mouth inhospitable to the bacteria. It also works to balance the PH levels in your mouth.
So that is the short of why we use these ingredients in our tooth powder. Maybe some day I will take the time to write about how exactly we 'healed' my son's cavities.
Homemade Re-mineralizing Tooth Powder
1 TBS Bentonite Clay
1 TBS Calcium Magnesium Citrate Powder
1 TBS Baking Soda
1/2 TBS Sea Salt*
1/2 TBS Xylitol *
These last two ingredients need to be run through some sort of coffee grinder, or food processor to turn them from large granules into a powder.
You'll notice that the measurements are large, and I don't use teaspoons. This is because it allows my son, who is nearing is third birthday, to make it himself.
I have used different things to flavor the powder, but he hasn't liked any of it. He much prefers the citrus taste combined with the sweetness of the xylitol. In the past we've tried ground peppermint leaves, cloves, and cinnamon.
The bentonite clay is used to pull impurities from the mouth, such as toxins or heavy metals.
Cal-Mag powder is awesome in itself. Calcium is obviously something we need to help remineralize teeth. Everyone knows that we need calcium for healthy teeth and bones. However, lots of people don't know that adequate amounts of vitamin c are needed to help the body absorb the calcium properly. Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is lacking in most modern day diets. So yay, lets throw some of that in too!
Baking Soda works as a light abrasive, and aids in balancing your PH levels and fighting the bacteria that cause cavities.
Sea Salt also works in fighting those cavities causing bacteria
Xylitol again is to work against the bacteria. In this case, it makes the mouth inhospitable to the bacteria. It also works to balance the PH levels in your mouth.
So that is the short of why we use these ingredients in our tooth powder. Maybe some day I will take the time to write about how exactly we 'healed' my son's cavities.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
movin' on out
We're in the final stages of moving out, so work can get accomplished on our house (for more details see: The House that Apollos Built). It's crazy, and hectic, and nuts, and you probably get the point by now. What would make it even more stressful? A huge custom order.
I've been working on expanding the tiny bit of sewing for profit that I do. In fact, I even set a monetary goal for myself, for the year. $365, or one dollar a day. So far, I'm no where near that goal. In steps my friend's husband. With a request for alterations on his uniform, 2 undershirts, and 2 new coats for his reenacting hobby. I'm excited, and nervous at the same time. Honestly, I think I'm more nervous about getting this order right for him, than when I sewed her wedding dress!
Back to the moving out topic. We're trying to keep the amount we take with us minimal. Then this order comes in, on top of the work I had planned on doing while we were staying at my in-laws. So now I'm bringing one plastic tote of projects, a sewing machine, a serger, my knitting, AND having fabric shipped to their house. Oh, and I need my reference books. I'm a compulsive researcher. If the littlest thing strikes my fancy I can spend hours reading up on it. So, here are my research books I'm bringing with (I have other ones waiting for me at the library in town)
I've been working on expanding the tiny bit of sewing for profit that I do. In fact, I even set a monetary goal for myself, for the year. $365, or one dollar a day. So far, I'm no where near that goal. In steps my friend's husband. With a request for alterations on his uniform, 2 undershirts, and 2 new coats for his reenacting hobby. I'm excited, and nervous at the same time. Honestly, I think I'm more nervous about getting this order right for him, than when I sewed her wedding dress!
Back to the moving out topic. We're trying to keep the amount we take with us minimal. Then this order comes in, on top of the work I had planned on doing while we were staying at my in-laws. So now I'm bringing one plastic tote of projects, a sewing machine, a serger, my knitting, AND having fabric shipped to their house. Oh, and I need my reference books. I'm a compulsive researcher. If the littlest thing strikes my fancy I can spend hours reading up on it. So, here are my research books I'm bringing with (I have other ones waiting for me at the library in town)
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Home EC...homesteading economics.
I'm starting an on-going challenge to post tidbits and how to's on the how what and whys of homesteading. Despite growing up in the country on a 'farm', I feel like I've had a ton to learn, and still have miles to go. I'm also going to be hosting guest bloggers on this, since I am, admittedly, not an expert in much.
So...here is the first tidbit:
When it comes to being a woman, but having to break open livestock water in the winter, don't do it the way men do. Men go out with their BFH (big friggin hammers, for those of you who didn't grow up in the Midwest) and bash away. That's how I've been doing it. Until today that is. Today I had to shovel a foot of snow off the top of the water before breaking it open. Rather than walk the extra 10 steps back to a scoop shovel, I grabbed my garden spade. Turns out it works great for breaking ice up. In fact, it works better than the sledge. I was able to break more ice open than in the last couple weeks, and then scoop the ice out of the water as well.
It's the little things...
So...here is the first tidbit:
When it comes to being a woman, but having to break open livestock water in the winter, don't do it the way men do. Men go out with their BFH (big friggin hammers, for those of you who didn't grow up in the Midwest) and bash away. That's how I've been doing it. Until today that is. Today I had to shovel a foot of snow off the top of the water before breaking it open. Rather than walk the extra 10 steps back to a scoop shovel, I grabbed my garden spade. Turns out it works great for breaking ice up. In fact, it works better than the sledge. I was able to break more ice open than in the last couple weeks, and then scoop the ice out of the water as well.
It's the little things...
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Attempting gluten.
Now that January, and my attempts at limiting foods are over, I'm going in the opposite direction. We've been gluten free for 10 months, and Paleo for about 9 of them. I'd like to try reintroducing grains into our diet again, because we miss breads. I'm still very cautious about gluten, as they led to stomach upset and cavities for Braeden last year.
The cavities are healed (another post is coming on that subject), but the stomach upset still lingers. Grains don't affect him nearly as bad as soy does, so we're experimenting with reintroducing soured and sprouted grains.
I made a sour dough starter with the flour from my cupboard, so it's definitely not fresh. I've been experimenting with biscuits and pancakes. I'm slowly getting my chops back when it comes to baking with gluten, however Braeden's stomach doesn't seem to be appreciating it. My wheat berries are sprouted, and going in the dehydrator today, so hopefully some freshly ground sprouted, and then soured grain will sit better with him.
I also still have spelt and rye flour in the pantry to experiment with. I'm hopeful we can find something that his gut will tolerate, so we can have 'normal' baked goods now and then.
The cavities are healed (another post is coming on that subject), but the stomach upset still lingers. Grains don't affect him nearly as bad as soy does, so we're experimenting with reintroducing soured and sprouted grains.
I made a sour dough starter with the flour from my cupboard, so it's definitely not fresh. I've been experimenting with biscuits and pancakes. I'm slowly getting my chops back when it comes to baking with gluten, however Braeden's stomach doesn't seem to be appreciating it. My wheat berries are sprouted, and going in the dehydrator today, so hopefully some freshly ground sprouted, and then soured grain will sit better with him.
I also still have spelt and rye flour in the pantry to experiment with. I'm hopeful we can find something that his gut will tolerate, so we can have 'normal' baked goods now and then.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Happy February and a Giveaway!
I am so excited that it's February, and we're that much closer to Spring and warm weather.
To celebrate I'm having my first give-away! 1 pair of felt cupid wings, just in time for Valentines day!
Each person to enter will have their name written on a piece of paper and thrown in a bowl. The drawing will be next Saturday, February 8th.
I have a couple ways to enter:
1.Share Spruced Corner's facebook page on your wall.
2. Have a friend 'like' our page and comment on our wall about who sent them. (Both you and your friend will we entered this way.)
3. Follow us on Etsy at :https://www.etsy.com/shop/SprucedCorner?ref=shop_sugg
4. Follow one of our blogs: (or both for two entries) http://sprucedcorner.blogspot.com/ or
http://apolloswilliamshouse.blogspot.com/ If you already follow both blogs, comment on a post and let us know you want to be entered!
That's right, there is the potential to get entered 5 times to win a set of wings for your little one!
The wings you'll win! |
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Color sorting, Cursive letters, and Japanese
I started off with a pile of pompoms, an empty egg carton, colored pencils, scissors, glue, and construction paper. I had 8 colors of pompoms, so I cut off two rows of the egg carton.
To close up the egg carton, I cut off the top with an approximate extra inch and a half.
Cut two slits into the top, folded them in and taped it.
Cut the center out of each of the bottom sections next. This egg carton was set up perfectly to accommodate this.
Each section was then covered with a color of construction paper that coordinated with the pom poms. I glued the papers on, then reopened the holes. Doing it this way ensured that I wouldn't make the holes too big.
To make boxes I cut rectangles from the construction paper, slit the corners about 1 inch in,
glued each corner,
and patiently held them until they were dry.
On more construction paper I wrote the color in English cursive, romaji which is the romanized version of the Japanese language, and then in katakana at the bottom. I glued each of these sheets onto the bottom of my boxes and filled them with their coordinating pom poms.
I managed to get it set up just before he woke up.
Here he is after he matched all the colors, sorting them back into their boxes to start over.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Gardening in January, or I feel overwhelmed.
It was going great. I had my Baker Creek catalog, http://www.rareseeds.com/, and had picked out this year's garden seeds. Then I drug out the seeds left over from last year and the feeling of overwhelm struck. Braeden had explored my seeds, without my knowledge. Now I have quite a bit of mystery seeds to sort through, an order to adjust, and garden plots to write out. However, spring is coming, so all is well.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
A substitute for oatmeal
This time of the year I crave warm carb laden comfort food all day long. I attempted to make a paleo friendly substitute for baked oatmeal the other day. The photos aren't that great, but it was late and I was in a hurry to get it in the oven before Kelan woke up. I also didn't measure anything but one ingredient. It's all 'to taste', or 'looks about right'.
I transferred it to a baking dish, and added ginger and allspice. Tasted it, and it wasn't quite what I wanted. So, I added 8 oz of no sugar added applesauce and cinnamon. Then I stuck it in my convection oven, set to slow cook, and went to bed.
It was pretty darn tasty! All the males in the house liked it. It would even work as a crust for a pie. Best of all, I didn't need to use a ton of eggs like I have to with coconut flour.
I started with shredded low fat coconut flakes. It's what I had in the pantry. Ideally I would have had full fat coconut flakes. You know, the big kind?
I added one can of full fat (bpa free) coconut milk. And a lot more coconut. I then added a little water until I got the consistency I liked.
I transferred it to a baking dish, and added ginger and allspice. Tasted it, and it wasn't quite what I wanted. So, I added 8 oz of no sugar added applesauce and cinnamon. Then I stuck it in my convection oven, set to slow cook, and went to bed.
It was pretty darn tasty! All the males in the house liked it. It would even work as a crust for a pie. Best of all, I didn't need to use a ton of eggs like I have to with coconut flour.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Here I sit with a brand new notebook, the first pages filled with lists and goals for the new year. And here I sit for the second day doing nothing. Yesterday was the beginning of my new detox. It didn't sound too crazy on the 31st but it's proving to be very hard. No sugar, no dairy, limited caffeine whole food, strict paleo for 30 days. I'm not doing this to loose weight, but feel better. My sugar cravings are out of control, and I'm curious to see if going dairy-free will help my eczema. I went into it with the realization that I'm nursing a baby, and a toddler. I may have to adjust to meet increased dietary needs for their sake. Yesterday I was sluggish and wanted my cream and sugar in my coffee. By the end of the day I had a migraine and felt nauseous. Today I woke up shaking and with an upset stomach. That candida bacteria fights back! I'll be honest, I did consume a little sugar with breakfast. It just
so happens it's really hard to find breakfast meats that don't have some
form of sugar in them. It's 4:30, and I finally felt up to making
'bullet proof coffee'. It would be way better with sugar, but I'm
sticking with it for the rest of the day at least.
Here's to hopefully taking the time to blog more.
Here's to hopefully taking the time to blog more.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
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