We have finally reached our closing day! Wednesday, June 30th we are supposed to close, which means I can move in!
Peter is back on tour, this time with Ashlyne Huff, with a few Honor Society dates. This means I will be spending the first few weeks alone there. Peter is absolutely disappointed that he can't carry me over the threshold. I told him every time I cross it, I will say "doesn't count", so he can carry me over when he gets home.
I'm a bundle of emotions right now! I'm let down that he won't be there, excited to finally own our home, scared to be on my own in this giant house, and anxious about fencing in 6 acres!
We have so much to do to get this house in shape; the windows and slate roof need to be replaced, along with the floor in the downstairs kitchen and bathroom, we're putting in a more efficient water heater, switching the heating system from oil to gas, refurbish the three chimneys, re-plaster several rooms, paint and wallpaper all of them, fix the porch, and completely rebuild the summer kitchen.
Whew! I'm feeling overwhelmed! I just keep reminding (both) of us that it doesn't all have to be done right away. We're planning on redoing the roof, windows, and porch for sure this year. If money and time allows we will also probably put the new heating system in. Our goal is to make this house as efficient as possible. We have lots of other little beautification projects that I can probably fit in when he's not home to work on the large projects.
In sewing news, I did finish my orange dress. I became bored with it, and had trouble focusing on it. Unfortunately, still no camera. I would have worked on my work petti, but both of my fabric lengths I had set aside for it are a little too short. I'm still trying to figure out what to do, because I'm not in a position to buy more fabric. But, I am going to Joann's tomorrow, so maybe I'll find a steal.
I'm working on finishing a few surprise gifts for a friend, and I have a costume to make for another friend. It's for a renaissance faire, and we've been planning it for over a year! I'm so glad I get to finally make it! I also have a million other irons in the fire, so hopefully I will find more inspiration somewhere. If anyone finds any to-die-for dresses or images, please send them my way! I am in desperate need of inspiration!
I couldn't decide which photos to include in this post, so I will do a post later this weekend just of photos!!!