Which brings up the *news*! We put an offer in on a home. Not just any home, but an 1821 brick colonial. The downside, if there is one is that it is in Massachusetts. Just over 1,000 miles from my family, but very near to his. It needs oodles of work, but that is something we have talked about and are looking forward to doing.

I've been trying to study whenever I remember to, and am finally getting it memorized to the point where I feel like I'm accomplishing something, but so many things have come up that it has made it hard! Hopefully soon I will be taking my test and will find someone to videotape me giving a massage.
On the sewing front, I have been sewing in crazy last minute spurts, but the work has been satisfactory. Unfortunately my dislike for my photography skills has been holding me back from posting photos. I did take a few when i got my first dress form. Yes, you read that correctly. I have been gifted two dress forms! I feel absolutely spoiled! Luckily they came in two different sizes, so I will have a much easier job of fitting clothes for other people.