Since we're having a baby, I've been doing lots of research on alternatives to lots of things. Everything from homebirths to co-sleeping. Tonight I'm starting the long trek down the vaccination road. There is so much contradicting information out there!
My family has allergic reactions to some vaccines so I definitely am wary about them! I know that I've read some blogs where people have discussed their views. If anyone has any info out there on the truth behind vaccines I'd truly appreciate it getting passed on. Most of my research has come up with government websites, and honestly after reading the CDC's views on homebirths I'm not too keen on what they have to say.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Christmas Decorations are coming
I have photos...somewhere, of our Christmas decorations. I have two left to finish, hopefully tonight since the hubby is gone, and then I'll try to post all the pics. For now I've got to try to unfreeze our barn pipes. Hauling water from the house, by myself, while six months pregnant is not something I'm enjoying! Off to the barn, and hopefully back inside before I too freeze!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
my reason for a lack of motivation
Here it is, my reason for why I have barely posted in the last few months...I'll be 6 months along next Monday. It seems like time is flying so quickly, I just can't keep up with everything that is going on! Were not finding out the gender, and we're planning a home birth, so it's going to be quite an experience for us!
On other notes, I've been working on finishing up some Christmas decorations, and have a few gifts to get made up so hopefully more posts soon!

Sunday, November 21, 2010
a couple things
Although most of my time has been spent working on house projects, I have worked on a couple things.
A scarf I started this time last year, but it got lost amongst the moving boxes for months, and another one that will hopefully be a Christmas gift;

an Alice in Wonderland costume, that I didn't get photos of; this one was for a pony club Halloween costume contest. Very little sewing, but a lot of imagination with two wonderful little girls;
Most recently I've been working on my homemaking skills. They definitely need work. I'm trying to come to grips with not contributing 50% of the income. This is something that both my husband and I had talked about, and I thought I was going to like being a stay at home wife, at least part time. I'm having trouble feeling like I contribute enough. Mainly because when I go to work a couple hours at the farm in the morning, my husband cleans. He cleans much better than I do, and I feel quite guilty about not holding my own. I do the majority of the household shopping, and all the cooking and mending. I just really need to get on top of the cleaning aspect of it.
Baking isn't quite my thing yet. I can make cookies like no one's business, did a halfway decent cake for Peter's birthday back in may, and have okay pies...but bread scares me. I've never made an edible pizza crust, and my first pumpkin bread just plain didn't turn out. This is a crafty project I dreamed up, eventually it will be an advent calendar. I'll try to do a separate post on how to make the pieces. It's really turning out to be easy as pie
Best Wishes,
A scarf I started this time last year, but it got lost amongst the moving boxes for months, and another one that will hopefully be a Christmas gift;

an Alice in Wonderland costume, that I didn't get photos of; this one was for a pony club Halloween costume contest. Very little sewing, but a lot of imagination with two wonderful little girls;
Baking isn't quite my thing yet. I can make cookies like no one's business, did a halfway decent cake for Peter's birthday back in may, and have okay pies...but bread scares me. I've never made an edible pizza crust, and my first pumpkin bread just plain didn't turn out. This is a crafty project I dreamed up, eventually it will be an advent calendar. I'll try to do a separate post on how to make the pieces. It's really turning out to be easy as pie

Saturday, November 20, 2010
updates to come
Hey all, working on the house and just being outside in this beautiful fall weather has kept me from blogging. Now that the weather is turning chilly I'm going to try to keep my blogs updated, starting tonight! After chores that is...anyway, keep your eyes peeled for some new topics!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
when ponies attack
this morning, soon after I had arrived at the farm I work at I went out into one of the pastures to spread hay out. This pasture is full of broodmares, and a couple horses that don't fit into any other pasture arrangement. One of those is a little Shetland pony named Dillon.
Dillon is on a bit of a diet because he has chunked out over the summer. He gets tied up to a fence post and eats his special diet feed there, so he can't steal the mares special mommy food. Lately I've been the one tying Dillon up in the morning, and I'm guessing he was starting to resent me foiling his master plan.
Today they had all finished their grain and were milling around when we went out to spread the hay into a few different piles. I saw Dillon come trotting over and shooed him away with my hand. That is when things turned ugly! This sweet adorable looking pony lunged at me with his mouth open. I tried to jump back, but was too slow. The next thing I knew Dillon was 10 feet away with a piece of my new orange shirt hanging from his evil little mouth. My shoulder was throbbing, and we were all standing there saying, "holy cow! Did that just happen?"
Being that I was now indecently dressed, and my boss has 3 sons between the ages of 8 and 15 roaming the farm she quickly got me Tylenol, a first aid kit, and a new shirt. Here is the evidence that everything that looks cute and cuddly might not be, although the picture doesn't show anywhere close to the range of blues and purples I'm sporting right now.
I swear we didn't feed him after midnight!
Dillon is on a bit of a diet because he has chunked out over the summer. He gets tied up to a fence post and eats his special diet feed there, so he can't steal the mares special mommy food. Lately I've been the one tying Dillon up in the morning, and I'm guessing he was starting to resent me foiling his master plan.
Today they had all finished their grain and were milling around when we went out to spread the hay into a few different piles. I saw Dillon come trotting over and shooed him away with my hand. That is when things turned ugly! This sweet adorable looking pony lunged at me with his mouth open. I tried to jump back, but was too slow. The next thing I knew Dillon was 10 feet away with a piece of my new orange shirt hanging from his evil little mouth. My shoulder was throbbing, and we were all standing there saying, "holy cow! Did that just happen?"
Being that I was now indecently dressed, and my boss has 3 sons between the ages of 8 and 15 roaming the farm she quickly got me Tylenol, a first aid kit, and a new shirt. Here is the evidence that everything that looks cute and cuddly might not be, although the picture doesn't show anywhere close to the range of blues and purples I'm sporting right now.
I swear we didn't feed him after midnight!

Monday, August 16, 2010
shirting weight fabrics
Here is the first bunch of photos. These are all shirting weight cottons. If any of them scream "wrong century" please let me know!


visit my new blog!
I've decided to make a separate blog for our restoration projects on our home. Visit it at: The house that Apollos Williams built I'm going to be posting some fabric later to get opinions on what is okay to use for 1860's clothing. I'd love input!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
we made it home
last night, and now all the washing, starching, and ironing is going on. I'm not in a mood for any of it! Just wanted to let you all know that the sew along challenge is still sort of happening. We all have lives that keep interfering, dang it! Two of us did finish work petticoats...and Katie even made an extra chemise and pair of drawers! Just wanted to mention that we didn't forget.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I'm going to Boscobel!!!
The town of Boscobel, WI hosts the biggest event in midwest mainstream reenacting, and I'm leaving in just over an hour to go! We're flying in tonight to see family, and Peter works the state fair on Sunday. So I've been hurriedly sewing up a storm, I've lost weight, and didn't realize it until just a few days ago. None of my stuff fits anymore! I've altered my silk skirt and sheer waist. My sheer dress bodice is in my needs to be regathered and repiped. I also have a white sheer bodice to repipe and reattach to it's skirt. Oh and if I can remember, and have time, I really need to cut out a new chemise. I have to finish hand stitching eyelets into my swiss waist, hem a neckerchief, attach a waistband to my work petti and hem it, and finish up one little secret project. Then figure out how to pack it all into a carry on! I've used one space saver bag already. Well I have to run if I'm going to finish.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
i tried to post
I really did, but my computer froze, then we moved beds around, then I chopped down two small apple tress that were shorting out the fence, dinner, and then put the horses to bed. Now it's my turn. I promise, I have 3 posts with pictures coming!!!
P.S. I apologize profusely for the run-on sentence, and any misspelled words. I am very sleepy. Good night blog world.
P.S. I apologize profusely for the run-on sentence, and any misspelled words. I am very sleepy. Good night blog world.
Monday, July 26, 2010
i'm here, i promise!
I'm here, but oh so busy! I've been trying to sew...mostly unsuccessfully. We've been scrubbing mostly. The house was left very dirty, in fact I keep my barn cleaner than they kept their house. But, that is enough negativity.
We've got the 2nd floor where we're mostly living almost clean, just one room left to scrub vacuum, and wipe down.
Peter and I finished fencing in a new section of pasture, and a farmer neighbor offered to bale part of our field for $2 a bale! I'm super stocked about that, since hay prices are around $5 a bale out here.
Peter and his brother, Kurt, worked very hard and got an eyesore of an old antenna off the roof this week. I'll post pictures of that, and the crazy stunts they pulled to accomplish it later this week.
Our most exciting news is that we discovered we have our own little beach. Our property is bordered by a small river and a creek on two sides. Where the two water bodies intersect is a nice beach made up of ground up Goshen stone. The stone is very soft and the size of grains of sand, but black and gray. It also happens to be by a stand of trees. We eventually want to set up a picnic area, and groom the beach and deepen the water a bit as well. Photos of that to come as well. It's quite a bit past my bed time, so good night all!
We've got the 2nd floor where we're mostly living almost clean, just one room left to scrub vacuum, and wipe down.
Peter and I finished fencing in a new section of pasture, and a farmer neighbor offered to bale part of our field for $2 a bale! I'm super stocked about that, since hay prices are around $5 a bale out here.
Peter and his brother, Kurt, worked very hard and got an eyesore of an old antenna off the roof this week. I'll post pictures of that, and the crazy stunts they pulled to accomplish it later this week.
Our most exciting news is that we discovered we have our own little beach. Our property is bordered by a small river and a creek on two sides. Where the two water bodies intersect is a nice beach made up of ground up Goshen stone. The stone is very soft and the size of grains of sand, but black and gray. It also happens to be by a stand of trees. We eventually want to set up a picnic area, and groom the beach and deepen the water a bit as well. Photos of that to come as well. It's quite a bit past my bed time, so good night all!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
i dislike fencing with a passion
I've spent two days working on the fencing at the new pasture. The ground I have to fence on is close to solid rock. Really hard rock. I hurt my shoulder, but hopefully it will be better in the morning. I'm moving the ponies in tomorrow, which means I'm moving in as well! I'm a little nervous because we still don't have a land line, and our cell phone carrier doesn't have service down in our valley. I'll survive I suppose, and as soon as I can get service, and internet! I'm getting super stoked about fixing the house up. I've picked a wall color for the kitchen, and wallpaper for the formal dining room. It's all so exciting! Here is a photo of the kitchen, the furniture isn't ours though.
Friday, July 2, 2010
i've been moving in
and I'm whooped. I still have fencing to put back in, that was ripped out when the new septic was put in, and a bit more moving. I'm absolutely exhausted. Sorry about the lack of pictures, everything is taking way more time and energy than I thought it would. Oh, how I wish my husband was home! 17 days! I miss him so much right now.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
how about one picture a day
Okay blogger isn't showing my pictures when I download them, just the html script. so when I download multiple photos it gets very confusing, and hard to manage nicely. Now we're going to play the one picture a day game until I figure this out. So here goes, we'll start with the front of the house, and do a tour throughout.
Friday, June 25, 2010
we're moving in!!!
We have finally reached our closing day! Wednesday, June 30th we are supposed to close, which means I can move in!
Peter is back on tour, this time with Ashlyne Huff, with a few Honor Society dates. This means I will be spending the first few weeks alone there. Peter is absolutely disappointed that he can't carry me over the threshold. I told him every time I cross it, I will say "doesn't count", so he can carry me over when he gets home.
I'm a bundle of emotions right now! I'm let down that he won't be there, excited to finally own our home, scared to be on my own in this giant house, and anxious about fencing in 6 acres!
We have so much to do to get this house in shape; the windows and slate roof need to be replaced, along with the floor in the downstairs kitchen and bathroom, we're putting in a more efficient water heater, switching the heating system from oil to gas, refurbish the three chimneys, re-plaster several rooms, paint and wallpaper all of them, fix the porch, and completely rebuild the summer kitchen.
Whew! I'm feeling overwhelmed! I just keep reminding (both) of us that it doesn't all have to be done right away. We're planning on redoing the roof, windows, and porch for sure this year. If money and time allows we will also probably put the new heating system in. Our goal is to make this house as efficient as possible. We have lots of other little beautification projects that I can probably fit in when he's not home to work on the large projects.
In sewing news, I did finish my orange dress. I became bored with it, and had trouble focusing on it. Unfortunately, still no camera. I would have worked on my work petti, but both of my fabric lengths I had set aside for it are a little too short. I'm still trying to figure out what to do, because I'm not in a position to buy more fabric. But, I am going to Joann's tomorrow, so maybe I'll find a steal.
I'm working on finishing a few surprise gifts for a friend, and I have a costume to make for another friend. It's for a renaissance faire, and we've been planning it for over a year! I'm so glad I get to finally make it! I also have a million other irons in the fire, so hopefully I will find more inspiration somewhere. If anyone finds any to-die-for dresses or images, please send them my way! I am in desperate need of inspiration!
I couldn't decide which photos to include in this post, so I will do a post later this weekend just of photos!!!
Peter is back on tour, this time with Ashlyne Huff, with a few Honor Society dates. This means I will be spending the first few weeks alone there. Peter is absolutely disappointed that he can't carry me over the threshold. I told him every time I cross it, I will say "doesn't count", so he can carry me over when he gets home.
I'm a bundle of emotions right now! I'm let down that he won't be there, excited to finally own our home, scared to be on my own in this giant house, and anxious about fencing in 6 acres!
We have so much to do to get this house in shape; the windows and slate roof need to be replaced, along with the floor in the downstairs kitchen and bathroom, we're putting in a more efficient water heater, switching the heating system from oil to gas, refurbish the three chimneys, re-plaster several rooms, paint and wallpaper all of them, fix the porch, and completely rebuild the summer kitchen.
Whew! I'm feeling overwhelmed! I just keep reminding (both) of us that it doesn't all have to be done right away. We're planning on redoing the roof, windows, and porch for sure this year. If money and time allows we will also probably put the new heating system in. Our goal is to make this house as efficient as possible. We have lots of other little beautification projects that I can probably fit in when he's not home to work on the large projects.
In sewing news, I did finish my orange dress. I became bored with it, and had trouble focusing on it. Unfortunately, still no camera. I would have worked on my work petti, but both of my fabric lengths I had set aside for it are a little too short. I'm still trying to figure out what to do, because I'm not in a position to buy more fabric. But, I am going to Joann's tomorrow, so maybe I'll find a steal.
I'm working on finishing a few surprise gifts for a friend, and I have a costume to make for another friend. It's for a renaissance faire, and we've been planning it for over a year! I'm so glad I get to finally make it! I also have a million other irons in the fire, so hopefully I will find more inspiration somewhere. If anyone finds any to-die-for dresses or images, please send them my way! I am in desperate need of inspiration!
I couldn't decide which photos to include in this post, so I will do a post later this weekend just of photos!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
an update of sorts
It's hot, I'm warm and burnt from tubing this weekend. I have no motivation. I finished Aaron's drawers, and will mail them tomorrow. I really need to finish a gift for my friend, b/c she's due any day now...but I have no motivation. That is all. :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
antique dressers and knicknacks!
Today Peter and I spent nearly our entire day at tag sales and antique shops. We finally have a signed agreement for our home, and the septic plans are at the board of health awaiting review. We have a new closing diginal date, but at least we didn't have to go to litigation to get our home. We got several really neat things for our soon-to-be home, and I can't wait to show them to you!ate of June 30th...several months past our original date.
Here is a really cool old fan that my husband picked out for $4, he is so excited to use it in his new office!
These next two pictures are of a wooden drying rack. It hangs on the wall and when it isn't in use folds flat! What an idea!!! I'm so excited to try it out!

This little dresser needs pulls, and we're thinking of using it to hold our flat screen and store our movies in the drawers. We haven't decided for sure yet.

This beauty is my new dresser! I love the color, but I also love the original wood. We haven't decided if we're going to strip and restain it.

This mirror we picked up for a steal, and have no clue what we're going to do with yet!

I love this last one! I've been wanting a spice tin for quite some time. I have no clue how old it is, but I know tins like this were used in the mid 19th century. One of the smaller tins has a slightly rusted out bottom, so I think I will be putting wax into all of them, just as a way to keep the contents more protected.

Here is a really cool old fan that my husband picked out for $4, he is so excited to use it in his new office!

These next two pictures are of a wooden drying rack. It hangs on the wall and when it isn't in use folds flat! What an idea!!! I'm so excited to try it out!

This little dresser needs pulls, and we're thinking of using it to hold our flat screen and store our movies in the drawers. We haven't decided for sure yet.

This beauty is my new dresser! I love the color, but I also love the original wood. We haven't decided if we're going to strip and restain it.

This mirror we picked up for a steal, and have no clue what we're going to do with yet!

I love this last one! I've been wanting a spice tin for quite some time. I have no clue how old it is, but I know tins like this were used in the mid 19th century. One of the smaller tins has a slightly rusted out bottom, so I think I will be putting wax into all of them, just as a way to keep the contents more protected.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
You will be missed...
Well dang. One thing that has been in the back of my mind for almost 2 years now was my friend, Sue Ham's, battle with cancer. She had a very rare form of leukemia, and I had even quit my job to stay with them for a short time to help out while she was out of the hospital. Today she left this world, and moved on to a much better one. I hope she finds the peace today that she has been searching for. My heart goes out to her husband, children, and grand children.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
a sleepy update
I'm about off to bed's 10 o'clock and I'm whooped. The bonnet is still in the same state it was when I put it down last night, it only needs about 30 minutes worth of hand sewing but...I'm so sleepy. I hemmed the work dress skirt and after 4 unsuccessful tries I gauged the waist band. It got to be so frustrating! My toile is now completely fitted, patterned onto paper, scanned into the computer, and emailed to Katie! That was my last big task for the night. I might be driving a racehorse to the track in Boston after I work tomorrow. I normally don't work on the weekend, but the weekend girl has a wedding to go to. If I don't end up making the trip to Boston tomorrow I'll get the bodice cut out, and with the lining already cut I will hopefully get the basic bodice put together, and possibly get the waistband assembled. I'm still not 100% sure what style sleeves I'll be doing for this dress. I'm hoping to have the whole thing, minus closures, finished on Monday. Tuesday I will get the closures out of storage, along with my work petticoat fabric, and hopefully get photos up by Wednesday. Well I'm off to shower!
Good night!
Good night!
a mini update
We're all making quite a bit of progess! Amanda has her skirt panels sewn together, Katie has hers sewn together and gauged at the top, my cording is done on the bonnet, and all I have left are two seams and putting the ties on. I'm currently pinning the hem in. I needed a big fast project to feel accomplished. And accomplished I feel, although I also feel distracted. Hopefully I can get myself to focus today!
hugs to all!
hugs to all!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
still ploding along
We're all working hard on getting everything done.
Both Amanda and Katie have finished their slat bonnets, and both are having computer trouble. Hence us all still waiting to see their loverly creations. I'm still cording...I have ten more rows to go, and can't wait to be finished with it! We're all also working on our work skirts currently, and planning our work petticoats and deciding sleeve styles for our bodices. We're all on facebook and I wanted to share a funny ramble that we had going this week. Please ignore the bad grammar!
Both Amanda and Katie have finished their slat bonnets, and both are having computer trouble. Hence us all still waiting to see their loverly creations. I'm still cording...I have ten more rows to go, and can't wait to be finished with it! We're all also working on our work skirts currently, and planning our work petticoats and deciding sleeve styles for our bodices. We're all on facebook and I wanted to share a funny ramble that we had going this week. Please ignore the bad grammar!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Week 2 and 3 sew along challenges
Okay...our sew along challenges have hit a couple snags. My excuse is that my husband is home after 2 months on the road, so I've been spending some time with him for a change. Katie broke her thumb and went to Colorado to see her sister graduate from college (congrats Mary!), Amanda had prom and her 18th birthday party. So although we've tried to stay on hasn't exactly happened.
Amanda has her bonnet cut out, and will hopefully be completing it soon, and then moving on to her work dress skirt. Her bonnet is a micro-check lime green and white. I bought it and ended up passing it on to's super pretty. Her work dress is a brown plaid, I think. Again it's some fabric I passed on to her, but I only owned it for a day before she snatched it up.
Katie has her fabrics picked out, and tonight is going to try a new way to cut her fabric. Poor thing has had 2 casts already, and a lot of pain. She has had major difficulties cutting, but we've been brain storming and hopefully we came up with a new solution that will work for her. Her bonnet is going to made from a white cotton with blue flowers, and her dress is a pretty green with a polka dotty print.
My bonnet fabric is a semi-sheer pastel plaid made from green, white, purple, blue, and orange. My dress is orange with yellow flowers. I'm hand stitching the cords into the bonnet, and have the skirt panels sewn together.
Hopefully I'll get more accomplished today, but I have to go to storage to get my corset, and draft a new pattern. I think I've lost weight again, so a new toile is necessary.
I'm also scanning my patterns and emailing them to Amanda and Katie so they can have a general pattern to work off of, and tweak for themselves. We're lucky that we're all about the same size!
On a random note, here are a couple pictures of some of the things I have accomplished. For more images check out my etsy account, I'm too lazy to upload a bunch of photos today.

Amanda has her bonnet cut out, and will hopefully be completing it soon, and then moving on to her work dress skirt. Her bonnet is a micro-check lime green and white. I bought it and ended up passing it on to's super pretty. Her work dress is a brown plaid, I think. Again it's some fabric I passed on to her, but I only owned it for a day before she snatched it up.
Katie has her fabrics picked out, and tonight is going to try a new way to cut her fabric. Poor thing has had 2 casts already, and a lot of pain. She has had major difficulties cutting, but we've been brain storming and hopefully we came up with a new solution that will work for her. Her bonnet is going to made from a white cotton with blue flowers, and her dress is a pretty green with a polka dotty print.
My bonnet fabric is a semi-sheer pastel plaid made from green, white, purple, blue, and orange. My dress is orange with yellow flowers. I'm hand stitching the cords into the bonnet, and have the skirt panels sewn together.
Hopefully I'll get more accomplished today, but I have to go to storage to get my corset, and draft a new pattern. I think I've lost weight again, so a new toile is necessary.
I'm also scanning my patterns and emailing them to Amanda and Katie so they can have a general pattern to work off of, and tweak for themselves. We're lucky that we're all about the same size!
On a random note, here are a couple pictures of some of the things I have accomplished. For more images check out my etsy account, I'm too lazy to upload a bunch of photos today.

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Week 1 Sew Along Challenge

We all finished our aprons by last night! We all get gold stars for finishing the project! I'm so proud of the girls because they have a lot going on in their everyday lives, and sometimes it can be hard to fit sewing in to the schedule.
This week starts the sun bonnet week. Choice of slatted or corded, so hopefully there will be some interesting differences in them. I didn't get to the shop to get into my fabric stash before it closed. So instead this weekend I am working on finishing all my half worked projects that I have in my room. There are close to ten petticoats of various sizes that need hems and waistbands, the white voile, a child's dress that needs sleeves set in, men's drawers, and possibly a couple women's drawers as well. I'll keep you updated on all of our projects, and hopefully get photos up soon!
love to all!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
apron updates part 2
Okay so some how my apron ended up being the length of a skirt, so I cut a bunch off, and then thought that it was too short. It's okay...but not perfect. Again, I'm glad this is for the loaner gear. I never got around to picking out new fabric because it's been too nice to sew during the day. We're supposed to have thunder storms tomorrow, so hopefully I can get down to the shop and find new fabric for my second apron. I've made my final decisions on what it's going to be. Right in the middle of the project is when I should have decided, right? LOL Anyways it's going to have slash pockets, because I just learned of them! I haven't found photo documentation online yet, but once I do I will post a picture.
Last I heard from Amanda she was almost done hemming the bottom of her apron, but still needed to attach and hem the bib portion. If she doesn't get that done, at least she will still have an apron!
Katie has her apron cut out, but got moving on making a tunic for her son for this weekend. I'm confident she will get it all done, as we have done lots of last minute sewing and she has Friday off work.
2 days left until the next project, and I can't wait!!!
Last I heard from Amanda she was almost done hemming the bottom of her apron, but still needed to attach and hem the bib portion. If she doesn't get that done, at least she will still have an apron!
Katie has her apron cut out, but got moving on making a tunic for her son for this weekend. I'm confident she will get it all done, as we have done lots of last minute sewing and she has Friday off work.
2 days left until the next project, and I can't wait!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
apron updates

Here we are...2 days into the sew-along challenge and we have updates!
Katie has been quite busy working on modern projects, a frock to wear at her sister's graduation, and she's finished a clothes pin bag for her new line! Kudos for her rocking it old school and saving energy! In terms of her apron, she has chosen the fabric, a reddish plaid, and decided on the style. A pocketed half apron that closes on the side.
Amanda has found her apron, which was started a few months ago and laid aside. It is a yellow and off white vertical stripe. It will be a pinner style closing at the side with two buttons. She needs to attach the bib portion, and hem both that and the bottom half. After that buttons and holes will be all that is left.
For myself, i have sewn my apron by hand. It is hemmed, and gathered, just waiting for the waist band to be attached. For some reason I lost all interest in it once it reached this point. I went to move on to my second apron, only to find out I don't have enough of the fabric I had chosen. Back to the storage container it will go, and I will most likely pick another. In the interim I have been working on adjusting the white voile I made last fall. I made it in a week for my sister to wear to a ball. It was 2 inches too long in the bodice, and several inches too short in the skirt. I've adjusted both, and am working on re-hemming it currently. After the hem is set I will reset the bodice to the skirt. I know that is working backwards, but one must work with what motivation they have. I'm truly hoping to finish these both in a day or so, and also work on a couple petticoats.
Goodnight my lovelies!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
sew along schedule
Alright, we have a lot to get done in time for reenacting season, and I like here we go.
Week 1 ~ aprons
Week 2 ~ slat/corded bonnet
Week 3 ~ skirt and waist band portions of work dress
Week 4 ~ bodice and sleeve portions of work dress
Week 5 ~ work petticoats
Week 6 ~ collar, cuffs, and neckerchief
Week 7 ~ additional drawers, and chemises
Week 8 ~ nightgown
Week 9 ~ wrapper part 1
Week 10 ~ wrapper part 2
Week 11 ~ coat
Week 12 ~ mattress tick and toiletry bag
Week 13 ~ travel bag of your choice
Week 14 ~ morning cap
If anyone else wants to join in on this, even if it's only for specific projects, or a couple weeks. Feel free to add me, or comment and I'll send you my email address so your comments can be added to the blog.
Week 1 ~ aprons
Week 2 ~ slat/corded bonnet
Week 3 ~ skirt and waist band portions of work dress
Week 4 ~ bodice and sleeve portions of work dress
Week 5 ~ work petticoats
Week 6 ~ collar, cuffs, and neckerchief
Week 7 ~ additional drawers, and chemises
Week 8 ~ nightgown
Week 9 ~ wrapper part 1
Week 10 ~ wrapper part 2
Week 11 ~ coat
Week 12 ~ mattress tick and toiletry bag
Week 13 ~ travel bag of your choice
Week 14 ~ morning cap
If anyone else wants to join in on this, even if it's only for specific projects, or a couple weeks. Feel free to add me, or comment and I'll send you my email address so your comments can be added to the blog.
sew along ideas
The girls and I are going to do a sew along. Each week we will have one project to make. If it's a big project we may break it into steps, and do one step a week. Our weeks will go Friday-Friday, so that each project will be done in time for said person to leave for the reenactment on the weekend. Tomorrow we start aprons. It's up to the individual as to what style apron to make. My goal is to finish one half apron I started and also start and finish another half apron. I'm working on using up my massive stash of fabric, so both are blue plaids, but completely different fabrics. They will close at the waist with two china buttons, and will be made with two widths of fabric gauged and set on the waistband. I'll be updating this blog with our thoughts and gripes on these aprons. I'll also be working on my other projects, and searching for my camera through all of this. Hopefully photos soon...even if it's of the other girl's projects.
Friday, April 23, 2010
My life
Is bipolar. This morning I was mucking stalls and now I'm at a live MTV show where my husband is mixing sound for Honor SocietY
Thursday, April 22, 2010
lacking motivation
Hey all,
I'm seriously lacking motivation. Although my body has stopped aching from work, getting up early and driving an hour still is kicking my butt. I spent 28 hours last weekend in NYC with my husband, and it was a whirlwind of riding hours in my truck, cabs, on trains, and even a carriage through Central Park.
I haven't gotten much sewing done due to all these excuses...I've sewn a handful of privacy petticoat seams, on machine, and done some pinning. Since it won't be visible I'm going to do a machine hem on all of these. I'd like to finish them up after the sun sets tonight. I do hate spending time inside when it's lovely out!
I'll fill you in on more later, I have a bit of hand sewing to do, and I will have some items to show off!
I'm seriously lacking motivation. Although my body has stopped aching from work, getting up early and driving an hour still is kicking my butt. I spent 28 hours last weekend in NYC with my husband, and it was a whirlwind of riding hours in my truck, cabs, on trains, and even a carriage through Central Park.
I haven't gotten much sewing done due to all these excuses...I've sewn a handful of privacy petticoat seams, on machine, and done some pinning. Since it won't be visible I'm going to do a machine hem on all of these. I'd like to finish them up after the sun sets tonight. I do hate spending time inside when it's lovely out!
I'll fill you in on more later, I have a bit of hand sewing to do, and I will have some items to show off!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
still no camera
I have been working on various things, but I can't find my camera. It's packed somewhere...I hope. Along with the charger for the video camera.
We still aren't into the house, and my husband is off tour in less than a month! I so want to have the house all scrubbed down and organized for when he gets back. The place doesn't look like it's had a good scrubbing in decades! There is a ton of black nasty cobwebs, and it is just overall unkempt. I dream of being on my hands and knees with a bucket of sudsy water and a scrub brush!
I've been working on some cotton flannel petticoats. Although I don't have any documentation for patterned cotton flannel petti's, they are quite warm and much cheaper to make up than canton flannel. I've also been patterning kids clothes. My goal is to make underpinings, and outer clothes up through size 10 right now. So far I have 3 styles of dresses in 3 sizes. It was a lot of work! But oh so fun! I apologize for the lack of photos...I'm also searching for my husband's back up camera, but haven't had any luck.
Well, goodbye loverlies, I'm going to drink coffee, watch robin hood, and plant some mystery bulbs (in a pot, since I haven't got my lawn yet).
We still aren't into the house, and my husband is off tour in less than a month! I so want to have the house all scrubbed down and organized for when he gets back. The place doesn't look like it's had a good scrubbing in decades! There is a ton of black nasty cobwebs, and it is just overall unkempt. I dream of being on my hands and knees with a bucket of sudsy water and a scrub brush!
I've been working on some cotton flannel petticoats. Although I don't have any documentation for patterned cotton flannel petti's, they are quite warm and much cheaper to make up than canton flannel. I've also been patterning kids clothes. My goal is to make underpinings, and outer clothes up through size 10 right now. So far I have 3 styles of dresses in 3 sizes. It was a lot of work! But oh so fun! I apologize for the lack of photos...I'm also searching for my husband's back up camera, but haven't had any luck.
Well, goodbye loverlies, I'm going to drink coffee, watch robin hood, and plant some mystery bulbs (in a pot, since I haven't got my lawn yet).
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We received the draft for the new septic (yea!)...unfortunately it was drafted for a 4 bedroom house (boo!).
This house is 3 stories tall, and is listed as a 6 bedroom. Once the remodel is over, it could potentially have 7 or 8 bedrooms!
Our realtor and real estate attorney have just been wonderful, and they are able to do something we aren't. Be nice! I've pretty much hit my tolerance level with these folks, and they're planning on being our neighbors! They have plans to build a ranch across the street from us.
Ugh...I know I need to find a way to like these folks, but they've been pulling our legs about so much. They just keep dragging their feet, and putting off what needs to be done! Oh well, I will stop complaining and show you a photo of somewhere near by where the septic should someday be installed.
This house is 3 stories tall, and is listed as a 6 bedroom. Once the remodel is over, it could potentially have 7 or 8 bedrooms!
Our realtor and real estate attorney have just been wonderful, and they are able to do something we aren't. Be nice! I've pretty much hit my tolerance level with these folks, and they're planning on being our neighbors! They have plans to build a ranch across the street from us.
Ugh...I know I need to find a way to like these folks, but they've been pulling our legs about so much. They just keep dragging their feet, and putting off what needs to be done! Oh well, I will stop complaining and show you a photo of somewhere near by where the septic should someday be installed.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
a quick update
We still have no house, but there is forward momentum in the buying process. I won't bore you with the details, because they are quite confusing and technical.
I started a new part time job, cleaning stalls at a breeding farm. It's over an hour away from where I am now (at the in-laws home), and I only work about 3 hours a day Monday through Friday. I love it, but it's a bit of a commute! I'm hoping that we get the house soon (I'd pray for it, but there are many more important things to pray about). Once we get the new house, I'll be about 30 minutes away, what a difference!
I haven't done any sewing lately, and haven't gotten copies of the photos from the last bit of sewing, so I don't have much to post about on that front. Oh, and I have no clue where my camera is...actually I'm certain its packed somewhere...I just have no clue where!
So let me go back and see if I can find a pretty house photo to post...okay, this is second floor room. While we are doing the major revamp on the first floor ( new ceiling in the dining room, new floor in the kitchen and bathroom, new paint, wallpaper and drywall, etc.) this room will serve as our living room. Later on in life, it will probably serve as a bedroom. I don't care for the ceiling fan or the wallpaper, so those may go sooner than expected!
I started a new part time job, cleaning stalls at a breeding farm. It's over an hour away from where I am now (at the in-laws home), and I only work about 3 hours a day Monday through Friday. I love it, but it's a bit of a commute! I'm hoping that we get the house soon (I'd pray for it, but there are many more important things to pray about). Once we get the new house, I'll be about 30 minutes away, what a difference!
I haven't done any sewing lately, and haven't gotten copies of the photos from the last bit of sewing, so I don't have much to post about on that front. Oh, and I have no clue where my camera is...actually I'm certain its packed somewhere...I just have no clue where!
So let me go back and see if I can find a pretty house photo to post...okay, this is second floor room. While we are doing the major revamp on the first floor ( new ceiling in the dining room, new floor in the kitchen and bathroom, new paint, wallpaper and drywall, etc.) this room will serve as our living room. Later on in life, it will probably serve as a bedroom. I don't care for the ceiling fan or the wallpaper, so those may go sooner than expected!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
moving is haunting me!
The last of our things residing in the Midwest are getting packed into the truck tonight and tomorrow. We'll be making the trip nonstop out to Massachusetts as soon as the horses are loaded. Unfortunately we still haven't closed on the house. The horses are going into a paddock up the road from my husband's parents home (where we will be staying), and the cat is staying at his brother's house.
This entire three month experience has my nerves completely frazzled. I've been on the brink of tears for weeks, haven't been sleeping, and also have been having nightmares. I just want this all resolved! The earliest we could close is the day my husband goes back on tour!
That means I will have to handle all the moving in by myself...ugh. My in-laws have all graciously volunteered to help, but ah! Living in our home by myself for a month and a half before my husband can join me? Intimidating! I'm supposed to be finishing up my packing and getting ready for a family dinner. I feel frozen! This is it! I'm leaving my friends and family and won't see them for months! Well before I make myself cry I'm going to try to finish packing.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I have five followers! Wow how crazy is that! I'm still waiting for pictures from Amanda for my sewing update, but on the horse front I've had two side saddle lessons and love it! We're making the final move to Massachusetts on Thursday so no more lessons for awhile :(
Monday, March 8, 2010
a little modern sewing
My husband is a full-time traveling sound engineer for the band Honor Society. He spends lots and lots of time on tour buses. I've started the habit of making him new pajama pants for each new tour. Last time it was light cotton sail boat printed jammies. This time it's brown and teal plaid flannel. 
In the last week my friends and I did quite a bit of sewing. I'll be posting about that soon!

In the last week my friends and I did quite a bit of sewing. I'll be posting about that soon!
Friday, February 19, 2010
clothes for the children
My husband and I don't have any children yet, however we have several friends with kids and grandkids. Since they don't belong to me I will refrain from using their names. I'm going to try to opt for using initials of some sort. So far I have three girls and two boys to dress. Ages vary from 1.5 years up to 8. I'm very excited and have been sketching and studying period images to come up with the best options for them.
For AK's better dress, I'm thinking of using a semi sheer pink plaid along with some white voile.
This will also be her first time wearing skirt supports and corded stays.

For her younger brother, DM, who isn't yet potty trained. I'm really liking the skirt with a separate waist and matching jacket. Even though this would be his best dress option, I might still make the waist out of something a bit more hardy than voile.

I have talked things over with their family, and we've decided to go with matching colors for their everyday clothes. I think it will be easier to keep an eye on them while they're running around camp, or playing with other children. I have quite a bit of a green and white check that I might turn into matching frocks. The former will get a set of pink calico pinafores and the latter a set of red calico smocks.
CW is going to be two and a half when the season opens and is very nearly breached. I've talked with his mother and we've decided on tunics for this year. I'm very excited to try this option out!
His 'Sunday' outfit will possibly be a linen tunic, but I haven't decided yet. His everyday outfit will be a short sleeved cotton tunic, and linen short pants. I really like the wide style that are cuffed at the bottom. He's got a wool hat, but I'd like to make him a linen cap for his best outfit.

Our eldest, LP, is an 8 year old girl. So far I've decided she is going to get a new set of underpinnings, including stays and a hoop. Last time I asked her favorite colors were purple and red. I'm thinking of making her a purple sheer dress. She's a total doll, and I know would take good care of it. She also needs another everyday dress. Something with a jewel neckline and long sleeves for the colder events. She's also going to get a set of pinafores. Hopefully 2 cotton calico ones, and I'd love to make her a nice white one to go over her sheer dress. She'd look just like anAlice in Wonderland !

All the kids are in need of coats for the cold months, sleepwear, new underpinnings, and something to keep their heads warm in the cold, and cool in the heat. This equates to 6 chemises, 2 undershirts, 8 pair drawers, 2 night shirts, 2 nightgowns, 2 pair stays, 2 hoops, 8 petticoats, 4 corded bonnets, 2 quilted hoods, 2 quilted caps, 4 sack coats, on top of the tunics, gowns, and frocks! I'm so very excited!
BTW, all of these images are from La Mode magazine and are available online. Please contact me for links.
For AK's better dress, I'm thinking of using a semi sheer pink plaid along with some white voile.
This will also be her first time wearing skirt supports and corded stays.

For her younger brother, DM, who isn't yet potty trained. I'm really liking the skirt with a separate waist and matching jacket. Even though this would be his best dress option, I might still make the waist out of something a bit more hardy than voile.

I have talked things over with their family, and we've decided to go with matching colors for their everyday clothes. I think it will be easier to keep an eye on them while they're running around camp, or playing with other children. I have quite a bit of a green and white check that I might turn into matching frocks. The former will get a set of pink calico pinafores and the latter a set of red calico smocks.
CW is going to be two and a half when the season opens and is very nearly breached. I've talked with his mother and we've decided on tunics for this year. I'm very excited to try this option out!
His 'Sunday' outfit will possibly be a linen tunic, but I haven't decided yet. His everyday outfit will be a short sleeved cotton tunic, and linen short pants. I really like the wide style that are cuffed at the bottom. He's got a wool hat, but I'd like to make him a linen cap for his best outfit.

Our eldest, LP, is an 8 year old girl. So far I've decided she is going to get a new set of underpinnings, including stays and a hoop. Last time I asked her favorite colors were purple and red. I'm thinking of making her a purple sheer dress. She's a total doll, and I know would take good care of it. She also needs another everyday dress. Something with a jewel neckline and long sleeves for the colder events. She's also going to get a set of pinafores. Hopefully 2 cotton calico ones, and I'd love to make her a nice white one to go over her sheer dress. She'd look just like an

All the kids are in need of coats for the cold months, sleepwear, new underpinnings, and something to keep their heads warm in the cold, and cool in the heat. This equates to 6 chemises, 2 undershirts, 8 pair drawers, 2 night shirts, 2 nightgowns, 2 pair stays, 2 hoops, 8 petticoats, 4 corded bonnets, 2 quilted hoods, 2 quilted caps, 4 sack coats, on top of the tunics, gowns, and frocks! I'm so very excited!
BTW, all of these images are from La Mode magazine and are available online. Please contact me for links.
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Katie Hoffmann ~ Got my bonnet cut :) I'm making progress!! Pinning it to the bed works great! **Hoping i don't cut my quilt** :
Week 5 ~ work petticoats
Week 6 ~ collar, cuffs, and neckerchief
Week 7 ~ additional drawers, and chemises
Week 8 ~ nightgown... See More
Week 9 ~ wrapper part 1
Week 10 ~ wrapper part 2
Week 11 ~ coat
Week 12 ~ mattress tick and toiletry bag
Week 13 ~ travel bag of your choice
Week 14 ~ morning cap
Blame Katie, she kept giving me ideas.
Katie Hoffmann
Katie Hoffmann