I'm now at the airport, and there is over an hour until my plane boards. I had planned on hitting traffic on the way, being that I was driving through three of Iowa's larger cities. I made great time, even with three stops. There was Walmart, McDonalds (the only time I buy it is when I'm flying, so I really don't feel guilty...well not too guilty) and Iowa's largest truck stop for a potty break.
I had trouble getting through security, they pulled my suitcase aside and searched it. I wasn't sure what had set it off this time, but they always check me for something ;) The guy was nice, and I told him to take his time, because I'm sure the last thing he wants to do is go digging through my unmentionables, but duty calls! He searched and searched, rescanned, and searched again. Then told me I was cleared and to have a nice day. Sitting here I realized I had forgotten to take out my ziplock bag with my bathroom liquids in it. Whoops! Guess he'd forgotten about it too, because it took him forever to figure out what he was supposed to find. Sorry Moline security department, I promise I will be better next time. Ha! He just brought me green bear, who had gotten misplaced during the searching. Honestly I still sleep with a teddy (my excuse is that I rarely share a bed with anyone) and would have cried if he'd been misplaced. Green Bear was won for me out of a vending machine by a customer of mine when I waitressed a few years ago. I take a photo of him when I get to the hotel in Orlando.
Unfortunately I don't have any decent photos of recent work, perhaps I will take some of the drawers I'm hoping to finish today, while waiting for my hubby to get in to Orlando.
Since this blog is called Saddles and Stitches, I will be talking about more than sewing I promise. I just got the curiculum and reading material for a home study course in Equine Sports Massage, so I will be updating on how that is working out. The farm I'm staying at right now has a 20-something year old quarter horse mare named Gigi. She has arthritis in her knees and a bad hock. Right now riding makes her sore, but driving actually helps her feel better. I'm curious to see if there are any massage techniques that will help alleviate her pain. On the farm there are three other horses. Simon, an Arab that looks like a typical ole mud pony; Bonesey a quirky Bask Arab, and my current war horse Peso Dios. Peso is typical of my favorite kind of horse. He has an attitude, but is more than willing to scoot when he needs to. I bought him in April of '08 and he has turned out to be a great horse. He's the father of my four year old, Quanto Dinero. Can you tell I was going through an odd naming phase? In addition to my two black arabs, I have a three year old Quarter-Arabian suprise, named Goober, who was a gift from theeDean's assistant when I was studying at Kirkwood; and the family pony Raspberry. I'm sure with time I will dedicate an article to each, but for now I'm going to leave it at this so I can crack open my massage book!
T-minus 40 minutes until my flight leaves!